These photos are my most recent macro shots.
Abstract Macro
I’ve included this photo in a post on its own, because it’s so different from the rest of my photography. This is a picture of a Tamagotchi, that I had fun experimenting on with different options in Photoshop. I thought that it turned out unique, and want to continue designing work like this.
Macro Shell
All of these pictures are of the same spiral shell. I wanted to experiment with how changing the colors of an image can give it an entirely different feeling.
To me, the most successful shot included here, was Blue Spiral. I think this is because of the simple change of flipping the shell over, so we can see the inside, making it stand out compared to the other pictures in this series.
Macro Dandelion Puff
Again with these shots, the main object is smaller than the size of a quarter. This used to be a bracelet, before the end of it snapped. Now, I love capturing the glass beads and their contents so zoomed in. The actual size of them makes the dandelion puffs hard to see, but with a macro lens, I think they become much more interesting to photograph.
Macro Flowers
The flowers encased in glass was actually a pendant smaller than the size of a quarter. However, the macro lens is able to capture many of the tiny details within the pendant. I love how much larger the lens makes objects look, it’s a lot different than how they are in person. I think it gives them a new personality, and I hope to take more shots like these in the future!