Petal Pluck App Design

A series of images from my idea for an app.

Users input tasks and goals, which causes flowers to grow. Overtime, if deadlines are missed, the flowers will start wilting and dropping petals. Successfully completing all tasks allows for new types of flowers to be unlocked and cared for.

Example Screen
Example Menu Screen
Screen Mock-up 3
Screen Mock-up 4

Watercolor Mock-ups

Drip Journal
Explosion Phone Case
Splatter Mug
Watercolor Bottles
Bubble Lanyard

These are the watercolor paintings applied to various mock-ups and an illustration.

With this series, I want to show how my paintings can be used in a Graphic Design setting.

Watercolor Cups

Watercolor Paintings

Drip Painting
Captured Bubbles

Some of the watercolor paintings I’ve been using to apply to mock-ups and designs. I have been making more and will be adding them in the future.

Abstract Macro

Round Friend

I’ve included this photo in a post on its own, because it’s so different from the rest of my photography. This is a picture of a Tamagotchi, that I had fun experimenting on with different options in Photoshop. I thought that it turned out unique, and want to continue designing work like this.

Macro Shell

Blue Spiral
Shell and Beads
Spiral Shell
Spiral Shell 2

All of these pictures are of the same spiral shell. I wanted to experiment with how changing the colors of an image can give it an entirely different feeling.

To me, the most successful shot included here, was Blue Spiral. I think this is because of the simple change of flipping the shell over, so we can see the inside, making it stand out compared to the other pictures in this series.