Macro Dandelion Puff

Dandelion and Shell
Inverse Dandelion
Red Dandelion

Again with these shots, the main object is smaller than the size of a quarter. This used to be a bracelet, before the end of it snapped. Now, I love capturing the glass beads and their contents so zoomed in. The actual size of them makes the dandelion puffs hard to see, but with a macro lens, I think they become much more interesting to photograph.

Macro Flowers

Flowers in Glass 1
Flowers in Glass 2
Flowers in Glass 3
Blue Flowers in Glass

The flowers encased in glass was actually a pendant smaller than the size of a quarter. However, the macro lens is able to capture many of the tiny details within the pendant. I love how much larger the lens makes objects look, it’s a lot different than how they are in person. I think it gives them a new personality, and I hope to take more shots like these in the future!