
Graphic Design Portfolio

I have included many different types of artwork on this site, in order to showcase my abilities in working with a variety of mediums. With my work, I am interested in capturing tiny details, creating colorful designs, and developing my overall style.

Please check out the Gallery if you are interested in seeing my art. The About tab also has a detailed explanation on my series of works.

Thank you!

Katrina Hoff


About me 

My name is Katrina Hoff, I’m a Graphic Designer with a strong interest in taking macro shots and creating digital logos in Adobe Illustrator.

My photography focuses on capturing the hidden details in ordinary objects, through a macro lens. For example, the glass pendant in my photo titled Spirit Bead is no larger than a dime, but once zoomed in, it becomes a world of its own.

I also love experimenting with shape and color in my art, which led to my interest in creating abstract watercolors. I’ve been applying these works as designs in different mockups, to show how they can also be used digitally. 

Finally, I keep my graphics and logos clean-looking, expressing them through a hard edged outline.


Macro Series

Currently, there are a few major series of work that you can view on this website. The first is my Macro Photography series. I enjoy drawing out small details, so these photos are focused on bringing attention to what we normally miss. Tiny objects often contain their own worlds, but noticing them is difficult. I hope to bring attention to these little details with my photography.

Watercolor Series

The second major series, is my Watercolor series. I’ve always enjoyed painting, but mainly love experimenting with color in my artwork. This series is also meant to be applied to Graphic Design, and I’ve been creating mock-ups of items that could effectively use these watercolor designs. I want to continue with this series, both with painting new watercolors, but also with making new mock-ups of the ones I have. Plus, I feel that combining a traditional art like watercolor with the more modern methods in Graphic Design, gives these pieces a distinctive appearance.

Graphics and Logo Designs

The third collection, is made up of my graphics and logo mock-ups. I like my designs to look “clean”, almost as though they are paper cut-outs. Here, my interest in playing with color also shows, as I love creating colorful and unique graphics. I am working on developing this style and plan on adding more to this series.


Petal Pluck App Design

A series of images from my idea for an app. Users input tasks and goals, which causes flowers to grow. Overtime, if deadlines are missed, the flowers will start wilting and dropping petals. Successfully completing all tasks allows for new types of flowers to be unlocked and cared for.


Click the Contact tab and use the contact form to get in touch with me. I’ll respond as soon as I’m able! 

Any comments or suggestions for improving my site and artwork are always welcome as well.

Thank you!